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Sunday, July 13, 2008

FILM : Forbidden Kingdom

Forbidden Kingdom

The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) sub Eng + Vietnamese (srt.)

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FILM : Drop Out

Drop Out


Jemi (Ben Joshua) adalah seorang “mahasiswa abadi” yang sudah berada di posisi genting: kalau semester ini ia tidak berhasil lulus, ia akan didepak dari kampusnya, alias di-drop out. Teman-teman gaulnya juga nggak banyak menolong – Si Germo (Dwi Sasono) yang hobinya mencuri apa aja (mulai dari celana dalam sampai mobil), Si Ketek (Ferry Gustian) yang nafsunya segede dosa, dan Si Banci (Dimas Aditya) yang nggak pernah jelas sukanya sama apaan. Belum lagi gangguan dari Tante Rosa (Sarah Sechan), ibu kost yang suka “daun muda”.

Hingga suatu hari muncul Lea (Titi Kamal), dosen muda yang pintar tapi kolotnya minta ampun. Simbiosis mutualisme pun terjadi antara Lea dan Jemi. Lea memberikan pelajaran intensif supaya Jemi bisa lulus, Jemi pun memberi “mata kuliah ekstra” pada Lea agar Lea lebih mengerti kenapa lelaki dan perempuan diciptakan berpasang-pasangan.

“Kerja sama” ini berbuntut ke cinta serius yang tumbuh di antara mereka. Sayangnya, dosen senior bernama Doktor M. (Dr. Boyke) yang tengah mengalami krisis paruh baya ternyata jatuh cinta juga pada Lea. Jemi pun ditawari “kerja sama” yang lain, Doktor M menjamin kelulusan Jemi, asal Jemi bisa merayu Lea untuk menjadi istri muda Doktor M.

Apa yang dipilih oleh Jemi kemudian ? beranikah ia mengabaikan kesangaran isteri dr. M yang super judes (Dona Harun) ? Kali ini Jemi harus memutuskan, antara dua pilihan sulit, Drop Out atau Cinta ?

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FILM : Incredible Hulk

Incredible Hulk

Movie ( 13 Juni 2008 )

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FILM : Horton Hears A Who

Horton Hears A Who

Horton Hears A Who! [2008] DVDRip + Vietnamese Sub (srt.)
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FILM : Kungfu Panda

Kungfu Panda

Director: Mark Osborne, John Stevenson
Writer: Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy, Family
Plot Outline: It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy,
Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

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FILM : XL, Antara Aku, Kau dan Mak Erot

XL, Antara Aku, Kau dan Mak Erot

Filmnya bercerita mengenai kehidupan tiga orang remaja yang bersahabat, Deni (Jamie Aditya) yang lugu, Juno (Alex Abbad) yang kaya raya dan gemar berjudi, serta Stevan (Erron Lebang) seorang playboy petualang.

Konflik bermula ketika Deni dijodohkan oleh orang tuanya dengan wanita cantik dan seksi bernama Vicky (Dewi Sandra), setelah mengetahui bahwa Vicky adalah seorang hypersex, Deni segera curhat dengan kedua sahabatnya mengenai ukuran alat vitalnya yang minim, ia khawatir tidak dapat memuaskan nafsu calon istrinya. Naluri judi Juno mulai bermain, ia bertaruh 1 miliar dengan Stevan, bahwa dalam sebulan Juno dapat membuat Deni menjadi pecinta sejati.

Untuk memenangkan taruhannya, juno membiayai seluruh keperluan Deni dan membuat beberapa strategi, pertama, Deni harus berobat ke Mak Erot untuk memperbesar kelaminnya. Kedua, Juno menyewa seorang pelacur untuk menjadi sparring partner Deni, agar gape dalam bercinta dengan banyak alternatif gaya.

Rupanya, Intan (Francine Roosenda), pelacur yang disewa Juno bukan pelacur biasa, terbukti selama sebulan Intan tinggal serumah dengan Deni, berbagai kejadian mulai yang aneh, lucu, dan megharukan terjadi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, perasaan cinta pada Deni mulai tumbuh dengan Intan. Dilema pada diri Deni berkecamuk, antara Vicky calon istrinya, atau Intan si pelacur yang baik dan tulus.

Siapakah yang akan dipilih oleh Deni?

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

FILM : Otomatis Romantis

Otomatis Romantis

Bagi Anda para penggemar film bergenre drama komedi, Otomatis Romantis yang menjadi debut layar lebar ISI Production dan sutradara Guntur Soeharjanto ini dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif tontonan Anda.

Salah satu daya tarik film ini adalah kehadiran Tukul Arwana, sebagai komedian yang tengah naik daun, eksistensinya memberi warna tersendiri disini. Selain itu, benturan budaya dan perbedaan kelas sosial yang pada keseharian kita kerap terjadi, coba diangkat penulis naskah, Monty Tiwa, dan menghasilkan humor yang ringan, namun cerdas.

Tora Sudiro memerankan tokoh Bambang, seorang pemuda desa yang datang ke kota dengan harapan dapat menjadi seorang penulis. Namun, apa daya, setibanya di kota, ia hanya dapat menjadi pegawai administrasi rendahan di perusahaan media massa. Tora yang dari awalnya pribadi humoris dapat bermain natural disini.

Sementara, lawan mainnya, Marsha Timothy bermain sebagai Nadia, wanita muda dan sukses sebagai pemimpin redaksi di sebuah majalah wanita. Tak disangka, Nadia menaruh hati pada Bambang yang notabene adalah bawahannya. Dari situ, ego dan gengsi Nadia menjadi salah satu bangunan konflik dalam film. Jika dibandingkan dengan film–film Marsha sebelumnya, disini ia terlihat dapat bermain apik dan maksimal.

Tukul Arwana sendiri disini berperan sebagai Dave, pria lugu dan ndeso yang mendadak berubah total menjadi pria tengil dan genit setelah kaya dan sukses. Dave mengawini Nabila (Wulan Guritno), yang kebetulan kakak dari Nadia. Dalam beberapa adegan tukul dengan gayanya yang khas seperti mengucapkan istilah – istilah asing kerap mengundang tawa. Perpaduan aksi Tukul dengan Wulan Guritno pada beberapa scene menambah keceriaan pada film.

Secara umum, pemain lain seperti Dwi Sasono yang memerankan kakak Bambang bernama Trisno, Poppy Sovia sebagai adik Nadia, Chintami Atmanegara dan Tarzan, yang berperan sebagai orang tua Nadia mampu mewakili perannya masing–masing dengan sangat baik.

Walaupun kurang dapat memberikan tata sinematografi sempurna, gambaran moralitas film ini dapat menjadi pembelajaran.

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FILM : Kawin Kontrak

Kawin Kontrak

The Gank, terdiri dari Rama (Dimas), Dika (Harry Tjan) serta Jodi (Ricky) sama-sama memiliki satu obsesi, yakni merasakan nikmatnya seks tanpa 'risiko'. Tanpa resiko hamil, harus kawin, kepergok dan dihakimi warga, bahkan harus momong anak. Mereka sepakat cara termudah, adalah Kawin Kontrak. Dengan bantuan Kang Sono (Lukman Sardi), yang merupakan perantara urusan kawin kontrak, mereka akhirnya melakukan kawin kontrak di depan penghulu Pak Aan (Unang) dan Bu Aan (Mieke Amalia) yang juga menjalankan bisnis penginapan dan penyediaan surat nikah.
Jody yang terobsesi dengan perempuan lebih tua (Grantophilia) kawin kontrak dengan Teh Euis (Wiwid), janda kembang beranak satu. Dika yang cenderung suka kekerasan (Masochist) memilih kawin kontrak dengan Rani (Masayu), yang lihai menggebuk kasur. Rama, si playboy pemilih justru jatuh cinta dari pandangan pertama dengan kecantikan Isa (Dinda Kanya) yang natural. Kawin kontrak yang inginnya dijadikan sebagai jalan keluar justru menjadi awal dari petualangan libido yang penuh kelucuan dan kejutan bagi sang tiga jagoan dalam perjuangannya menaklukkan cewek idaman mereka.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

How to Using Oracle

How to Using Oracle

Bagi Oracle pemula, baca dulu
The first part of Special Edition Using Oracle 11i introduces the Oracle ERP applications and R11i concepts. The reader is then educated on proven techniques for implementing these complex and integrated systems. Configuration and usage of each of the financial, distribution, manufacturing, HRMS, and projects applications are covered, followed by a discussion of working with Oracle Support, consulting firms, and compatible software vendors. The appendixes review the employment market, consulting opportunities, and provide the reader with an implementation checklist. All of R11i's new features are covered in-depth and in practical terms. Not only will readers understand Oracle's new capabilities, they will be able to apply them right away.

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SD Card Format

SD Card Format

Software khusus buat format SD, MMC, de el el yang berbau media penyimpanan digital.

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Dora The Explorer

Dora The Explorer

Khusus buat anak-anak, adik-adik, Keponakan-keponakan anda, yang jelas under age lah, kalau yang gede suka juga ya silahkan...

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Magix Music Maker Generation 6 Deluxe

Magix Music Maker Generation 6 Deluxe

Music Maker 11 Deluxe is the ideal music workstation for your PC.
Simply choose a music style and move the included music blocks into the arranger via drag and drop.
Produce your own music with thousands of sound loops, instruments, and professional studio effects and mix everything for the first time in the 5.1 surround room.
Create soundtracks for CDs, presentations, and Web sites, or simply for the joy of making music.

* Real 5.1 Surround Sound
* Mastering Suite
* Vocal Tuning
* Multi-sampler
* Automatic harmony recognition
* Studio reverb effects
* Over 2,500 sounds

Optimize your music with first-class sound effects like the new stereo studio reverb Magix VariVerb or with a compressor, echo, vocoder, and many more or use the lively and warm effects of the Magix Vintage Effects Suite.Improve transparency, stereo picture, and the power of your song for perfect CD mastering with the new Magix Mastering Suite.

Use the new samplers SampleTank 2 MX for excellent surface sounds, pianos, guitars, basses, and lots more or use the other 12 included instruments, synthesizers, drum machines, or the easy-to-use MIDI Editor for further VST instruments.
For the first time you can now mix in real 5.1 Surround Sound. Import existing surround files as usual or create virtual space flight from conventional stereo files with the help of automation in the 5.1 Surround Room.

Correct or edit your vocals or other individual vocals with Magix Elastic Audio Easy by simply drawing or moving--from the natural sounding fine-tuning to the seemingly synthetic "Cher effect". Just as easily, the intelligent Harmonizer can create a four-vocal choir from a single voice that automatically adapts to the key.
Have the improved Magix Remix Agent 2.0 work for you.

Every desired music title is analyzed in tempo and split up into individual music blocks on request; tempo variations are automatically balanced out.
With the Magix Remix Maker 2.0 you can now create a perfect remix at the touch of a button.

The Task Assistant simplifies the introduction into the world of music.
Along with helpful explanations and short video clips detailing the extensive possibilities of Magix Music Maker, you also gain access to many tutorials, which explain successful song creation, the proper use of effects, and much more.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

1000 hacking tutorials - The Best of (2008)

1000 hacking tutorials - The Best of (2008)

Includes The Following:

Create Bootable XP SP integrated CD,Create One-click Shutdown And Reboot Shortcuts.txt Creating a Board aka Forum on your own PC !.rtf
Creating Universal Ghost Usb Boot Disk And Cd.txt
Data Capacity of CDs [Tutorial].txt ,Debug, Learn how ***** windows.txt,Delete An undeletable File.txt,Delete Files From The Recent File List In Windows.txt,Digital Camera Guide.txt
Digital Faq -learn Everything About Digital, Capture, Edit and Burning and more.txt 2.20 kB
Digital Photo Id Cards, Greate Info.txt 2.88 kB
Direct Link To Any Page You Want To In Hotmail.txt 1.95 kB
Directx Explained.txt 7.66 kB
Disable Compression On Xp, NTFS partition, Disk Cleanup.txt 0.43 kB
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Disable Windows Logo Key.txt 0.62 kB
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and many more...

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36 Sony Ericsson Java Games Collection

36 Sony Ericsson Java Games Collection

These are the most beautifully drawn, full-screen, ambient games. Available for the K700i/ v800/ W800 and any other cell phone supporting the 176x220 J2ME gaming platform.

Some of the games are:

Absolute Minesweeper

Bomberman 3D

FIFA World Cup, Germany



Sonic the Hedgehog, part 1

Sonic the Hedgehog, part 2

Star Wars, Imperial Ace

Townsmen 4

Gun Fever

Tetris Mania

V-Rally 3D

Vijay Singh, Pro GOlf

Virtua Tennis, Mobile Edition

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MOBILedit! Forensic v2.9.0.37

MOBILedit! Forensic v2.9.0.37

Mobile phones contain some of the most important evidence in criminal investigations. Law enforcement agencies around the world need every possible advantage to help solve crimes. In many instances, mobile phones contain the important incriminating evidence that legal investigators require to solve a case. MOBILedit! Forensic has changed the way this evidence is obtained and presented. It provides reports with tamper-proof and indisputable evidence in a court of law. This report details out every piece of information in the phone such as call history, list of contacts, messages, photos, voice recordings, video, files, calendar, tasks, notes etc. MOBILedit! Forensic is a must-have for any forensic agent looking for that extra edge.

How It Works:
With just a single click, MOBILedit! Forensic collects all possible data from the mobile phone and generates an extensive report onto a PC that can be stored or printed. MOBILedit! Forensic is the most universal cellular phone solution with architecture able to support virtually all phones. MOBILedit! Forensic allows you to customize the output making it completely adaptable to the needs of your judicial system. MOBILedit! Forensic also has frequent updates and upgrades so that you can be sure you are using the absolute latest in technology.

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Registry Repair Wizard 2008

Registry Repair Wizard 2008

Registry Repair Wizard - repair registry and boost Windows performance!

Registry Repair Wizard scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By repairing these obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. The backup/restore function of the tool let you backup your whole Windows Registry so you can use it to restore the registry to the current status in case you encounter some system failure. Besides above, the startup and BHO organizer feature let you manage your startup and IE BHO items with ease, and you can control the programs started with Windows and IE more handy with this feature!

In short, Registry Repair Wizard help you get rid of the bloat in Windows registry and achieve a cleaner, faster system.

Registry Repair Wizard Features:
* Automatic Registry Scanning and Cleanup
* Backup and Restore the full Registry
* Startup Organizer
* IE BHO Organizer
* Improve system performance
* Remove Trojan which utilize startup items and IE BHO

What is Windows Registry?
The Windows registry is a central hierarchical database in Windows used to store information necessary to configure the system for one or more users, applications, and hardware devices. The registry contains information that is constantly referenced during operation, such as profiles for each user, the applications installed on the computer; and the types of documents each can create, property sheet settings for folders and application icons, what hardware exists on the system; and which ports are being used. Windows registry is a vital part of Windows, if it is damaged, your whole system may be corrupted and cannot be used.

Why do you need a registry repair utility?
The Windows registry is a database repository for information about a computer's configuration. The registry keep growing when you use Windows. As it does so, it attracts obsolete and unnecessary information, and gradually becomes cluttered and fragmented. With the growing of the registry, it can degrade the performance of the whole system and cause many weird software problems.

What can Registry Repair Wizard do for you?
Registry Repair Wizard scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By fixing these obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. The backup/restore function of the tool let you backup your whole Windows Registry so you can use it to restore the registry to the current status in case you encounter some system failure. Besides above, the startup and BHO organizer feature let you manage your startup and IE BHO items with ease, and you can control the programs started with Windows and IE more handy with this feature.

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EA All Games Keygen

EA All Games Keygen

Tons of EA Games Keygen till April 2008

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